In criminal cases, trials are the exception — not the rule. Most defendants resolve their charges through plea bargains, negotiated deals between the defense and prosecution that result in the defendant pleading guilty in exchange for some form of leniency.
But not all plea bargains are created equal. There are two main types of bargains
used in the criminal justice system:
charge bargains and
sentence bargains. Each type serves a distinct purpose and carries its own risks and benefits. Understanding these differences is critical when facing criminal charges and evaluating your legal options.
A charge bargain is when the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge — or to one of several charges — in exchange for having the other charges dropped or reduced. This is a strategic move aimed at minimizing potential penalties and avoiding more serious convictions.
For example, someone initially charged with felony assault may agree to plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault if the prosecution agrees to drop the felony count. This type of bargain can greatly reduce sentencing exposure, eliminate mandatory minimums, or protect the defendant from long-term consequences tied to more serious offenses.
Key advantage: Charge bargains reshape the charges themselves — and in many cases, result in a cleaner criminal record and lighter punishment.
A sentence bargain doesn’t change the charges — instead, it focuses on what punishment the defendant will receive in exchange for a guilty plea. This type of bargain is often used when the defendant is willing to accept guilt but wants certainty or leniency in sentencing.
There are two typical approaches to sentence bargains:
Because judges are not always bound by the prosecutor’s recommendations, the success of a sentence bargain depends heavily on the judge’s practices and the local court culture.
Key advantage: Sentence bargains offer more control over the outcome — especially in cases where conviction is likely and the goal is to avoid the harshest penalties.
Whether a charge bargain or sentence bargain is more appropriate depends on several factors, including:
Your criminal defense attorney will analyze these variables to determine which type of plea bargain offers the best outcome in your case.
Sentence bargains often intersect with pre-sentence investigation reports (PSIs), which are prepared by probation officers to give the judge background on the defendant. In some jurisdictions, these reports can influence — or even undermine — a sentence bargain if they include negative information or recommend a longer sentence than originally agreed upon.
Because of this, your attorney may seek to:
Takeaway: Sentence bargains carry more moving parts, and it’s essential your attorney navigates each step to protect your deal.
If the judge is not formally bound to the sentence bargain, they may impose a sentence different from the one agreed upon. This can cause serious complications — especially if the deal was the foundation for your plea.
Your attorney must ensure that:
This is why judge participation is a critical component of many sentence bargains.
Choosing between a charge bargain and a sentence bargain is not a decision you should make alone — both carry legal consequences that can affect your freedom, your future, and your record. At the Law Offices of Pat Brown, we bring deep experience in plea negotiations and courtroom strategy. Whether we’re reducing charges or securing a favorable sentence, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t settle for uncertainty. Contact Law Offices of Pat Brown today to discuss your case, your options, and the type of plea bargain that gives you the best shot at a second chance.
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Two Types of Bargains appeared first on
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